
Healthy Living Loving Yourself and The People Most Important to You

Healthy Living Loving Yourself and The People Most Important to You Healthy Living Loving Yourself and The People Most Important to You
#Life #Love #HealthyLiving

This is a continuation of my previous post, Home Yoga Stretching Exercise and Babysitting my Grandmother Real Life Motivation. Are you doing enough to love yourself? How about the people most important to you, are you having a true loving and caring relationship? It’s a blessing to have special people in our lives, unfortunately in the “modern world” many find themselves “too busy” to spend time with the most important people in their lives. Don’t fall victim to being to “distracted” by meaningless people and things when you have so much meaningful and special people and things that fill you up with happiness. It doesn’t take much to keep a strong relation, have a strong bond with people you love and care for. Being mindful of what matters will keep you close to the people that may also need your love and support the most.

Being strong physically and mentally put us in a position of power to help and give back to those that love us and need us. We are not in this world alone, but loneliness is common, and is just as deadly as bad lifestyle and drug abuse. The modern world is pulling us apart, and we have been losing our ability to communicate, care, and love. Healthy living includes taking care of ourselves, and each other. Stop living mindlessly, be mindful of your blessings, and the special people in your life. Being social face to face, talking, laughing, learning, creating new memories while reminiscing of old ones, will enhance your relationship, and each others health. I’ll leave it there, I’m sure most of you will “get it” 😊

Coach George Tsanis

Home Yoga Stretching Exercise and Babysitting my Grandmother Real Life Motivation

At this moment, the only thing I wanted was to find peace through movement, Yoga, stretching, mediate. I can make this happen, and will, because its what I want and need. Its part of the recovery and healing process. Its LIFE. Knowing when to stop is just as, if not more important as when to start.

Here I am stretching, exercising, while also “babysitting” my 97-year-old grandmother outside to enjoy the beautiful perfect weather. She is in her most peaceful element as well. Outside, family, vegetable garden. To be able to babysit someone in need, watch, talk, care for, check up on, etc., isn’t very difficult, in fact it should come naturally because you are aware of who and what matters. My grandmother could be in the house, monitored by other family members during this beautiful weather, or I can take granny out to enjoy the fresh air, scenery, and watch her grandson doing something I love. Grandmother would be happier outside, and she doesn’t affect my stress reliving exercise session.

I was inspired to make this video because a young man who I talk to was telling me I inspired him to spend more time with his Dad, and he is more happier, calmer, and his relationship with his family is stronger, and now more focused on his school and work, as opposed to being distracted by “friends” and acquaintances you don’t need that will waste your time doing things you shouldn’t be doing (wasting your life on social media top of the list of life wasters).

I frequently get people thanking me for this advice. Spending time on people and things that have meaning to you, is joyful. Family, friends, career, hobbies, interests that fill your life with happiness and progress is where you need to be. Spending time on people and things that waste your life and destroys you. Fake friends, job you hate, toxic people, alcohol, drugs to name a few is what I call “chaos” and destroys you. Anyone that gives you “advice” to watch every single video, read every post, eat junk food, spending time with people and things that not only don’t matter, but ruin and destroy you.

What you need in life is to surround yourself with love, passions, joy. That’s what I’m doing here, exercising, meditating, while enjoying the company of my 97-year-old grandmother and my fresh vegetable garden. Life is good 😊

Coach George Tsanis


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