
Algae Culture Light by Algae Research and Supply

Algae Culture Light by Algae Research and Supply Light and heat from an LED
Light is required to power photosynthesis processes. The ideal temperature for most algae production is 75-95F ,24-35C. This LED is designed to fit underneath a glass fish tank so that both light and heat are transferred into the tank. At full power the LED consumes 30W of power and can add up to 5C of heat to a 10-gallon tank. At 0.1cm from the LED the light flux is up to 3,000uE/m2s. Using the LED dimmer, at 2.54cm the flux of photons is adjustable from 30-560uE/m2s.

The LED for Algae Culture -20 is to be placed in the center of the footprint for your glass aquarium. There is a 1/3-inch gap under the tank that this device will occupy. The device will touch the bottom of the glass for maximum heat exchange, however, the unit should not support any of the weight of the tank. Please use a small riser or felt-foot to prop up the tank, should the gap be insufficient and to make passage for the power cable to the unit.

From startup to dense culture
Thin algae cultures need only a small amount of light. Which is why our engineers using an LED system with a dimmer. When the cultures are not dense, simply dial the flux of light to a low setting. If it is bright enough to read, the algae will grow. As the culture gets denser -Secchi disk depth of ~70mm-, turn the light up to full power.

Use this kit with other ARS products
Algae Research and supply has been working hard to develop tools for making algae culture simple. This system is compatible with our ARS Education Line of products. Including: Lids, air supplies, heaters, salts, nutrients, and of course algae and zooplankton cultures.


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