
Don't You Look at Me That Way

Don't You Look at Me That Way ๐Ÿ’–Happy Valentines Day to My Love๐Ÿ’˜๐Ÿ’ @mizz_maisonet05

To Me It's All about How the EYES sync to another's Soul (can you Excite or soothe the Beast inside, and provide That Spark that ignites the Fires within) Everything else Can be hidden or modified yet you Can't Change the Eyes and Emotion Hidden Behind. Happy Valentines Day to Everyone out There, Find those Real connections That Truly stir and Flow with your soul. Anything else is pointless

#CivilizedSavage #valentinesday #valentines #true #love #is #in #them #eyes #of #the #beholder #soul #glow #connect #flow #connection #sync #sing #that #song #talent #valentine #music #dedication #humpday #literally #lol


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