
Circadian Rhythm Reset - Deep Delta Meditation - Sound Therapy - Rest Aid - Sleep Aid

Circadian Rhythm Reset - Deep Delta Meditation - Sound Therapy - Rest Aid - Sleep Aid Headphones are recommended due to the low frequencies used. Please ensure to take the time to set the volume to a low and comfortable level.

Carrier frequencies: 216 Hz, 216.5 Hz, 217 Hz
Modulation frequencies: 1 Hz, 1 Hz - 0.5 Hz, 0.5 Hz

Due to our modern lifestyle, many people don't produce enough Delta brainwaves naturally. It is commonly experienced during deep sleep, or deep meditative states. 1 Hz modulation is part of the low delta wave range, and these brainwaves improve rest, stimulate healing and melatonin production, and are vital in the maintenance of health and psychological well-being. The intention for this video is to provide a 10 minute deep delta meditation for those who want to synchronize their brainwaves to the second (international unit of time). This video's modulation rate gradually slows to the half-second during the last half of the 10 minute meditation. This video repeats for an hour. A singing bowl is used to indicate the end and start of each meditation cycle.

0:00 - 5:00: 1 Hz
5:00 - 8:00: 1 Hz to 0.5 Hz
8:00 - 10:00: 0.5 Hz

Neural entrainment is also known as brainwave entrainment or brainwave synchronization. It is the theory that our brains have a tendency to synchronize themselves to external stimulation, which could include auditory, visual, tactile or electromagnetic stimuli.

It is believed that the human brain contains approximately 80+ billion neurons which communicate with each other to form our thoughts, emotions and behavior. When our neurons communicate in mass, it produces a synchronized electrical pulse known as a brainwave. Our brainwaves can align with an external stimuli, and as a result we can stimulate our brains in ways that could positively effect our psychology and physiology. Using this method we could alter the state of our consciousness in ways that we would usually have difficulty reaching. Entrainment is an effective method which allows you to experience what these states feel like, and how they affect the body.

Delta waves are the slowest of all and were originally defined as having a frequency range between 0-4 Hz. We experience these waves naturally when we are in the deepest of sleep or meditative states. These waves stimulate healing, regeneration, and healthy neuro-chemistry and as a result are vital in the maintenance of health and psychological well-being.

Delta activity stimulates the production and release of:

- dopamine
- endorphins
- serotonin
- melatonin
- DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone)
- GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid)
- HGH (human growth hormone)
- PRL (prolactin)

In addition to the stimulation and production of the hormones and neurotransmitters listed above, it may help to reduce:

- cortisol
- anxiety
- depression

Other potential benefits may include:

- improved learning capabilities
- improved memory consolidation
- increased creative potential
- increased cognitive performance
- improved mental and emotional health
- improved rest and sleep
- improved concentration
- improved motivation
- improved confidence
- deeper meditation
- improved psycho-motor performance and mood
- reduced stress
- reduced anxiety
- euphoria

Anthony Sommer,Neurogenesis,brain reset,brain reset frequency,anthony sommer brain reset,anthony sommer cure all,cure all,circadian,circadian rhythm,meditation,chakra meditation,chakra healing,binaural,binaural beat,binaural beats,monaural,hz,frequency,music therapy,sound therapy,musicotherapie,musicothérapie,musicoterapia,musico terapia,musicoterapie,jason stephenson,eric bartel,greenred,magnetic minds,magnetic binaurals,sapien medicine,sapien med,

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