
Places to visit in VENICE in one Day

Places to visit in VENICE  in one Day #venice #italy #travel #vacation #visiting venice italy
Places to visit in VENICE in one Day Italy City Tour

Venice - a city on the water

Venice is the most famous city in the eastern part of the North of Italy. It can rightfully be called a city of tourists. Venice is located on 122 islands connected by 400 bridges.

The city is penetrated by 175 canals, one of the largest is the Grande Canal. It is Venice's main thoroughfare. The length of the channel is about three kilometers and the width is about 50 meters.

The name of the city comes from the words nuovi venuti. The settlement originated in the 5th century, in the 9-10th century. turned into a large artisan and trading city, which carried on lively trade with many cities in Europe and the East. Especially strengthened Venice during the Crusades. After the 4th hike, having received the coasts of Dalmatia, the Seas, the Ionian and other islands and the quarter in Constantinople, which opened access to the Black Sea and Crimea, Venice became a great maritime power. In the 15 century. Venice conquered Verona, Padua, Vicenza, Ravenna, Cremona and a number of other cities and regions to the north. Italy. Conducted active trade with Byzantium, cities of Germany, Flanders and others. The conquest of Constantinople in 1453 and the opening of new trade routes undermined Venice's economy and political power. In the second half of the 15th century, when it lost its possessions in the eastern Mediterranean, it began to decline. Trying to restore its position, Venice from the late 15th century. and until the mid-18th century. periodically waged war with Turkey. In 1797, Venice was occupied by Napoleon's army. By the decision of the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815), Venice became part of Austria. In 1866 Venice became part of the Italian kingdom.

The city center is closely built up with luxurious old buildings. The palaces of the 15-16 centuries were built in a distinctive Venetian style, in which the influence of the East is felt. Venice is a world-famous museum city, tinsvenny and unforgettable, with canal streets, the main one of which is the Grand Canal.

The heart of Venice is the amazingly colorful St. Mark's Square. Here is the center of public life of the city, a place of celebrations, church and folk holidays. Arriving tourists in the square are greeted by a large number of pigeons. According to legend, they were brought from the island of Cyprus to Venice as a gift to the Doge's wife.

One of the attractions of St. Mark's Square is the beautiful five-domed St. Mark's Cathedral. In front of the cathedral is the Campaniele tower - the tallest building in Venice - about 99 m.
In Venice you can see the basilica Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Santa Maria della Salute, San Zacaria; palaces: Palazzo Corner della Ca 'Granda (16th century), Palazzo Corner Spinelli (15-16th centuries), Pesaro Palace (18th century), Ca' Rezzonico. Interesting for tourists is also the Old Library of San Marco, the school of the Brotherhood of St. Rockham.

Many of the buildings have preserved wonderful mural paintings by prominent Italian artists Titian, Vernonese, Tiepolo, Tintoretto.

Every year in Venice there is a carnival, it falls on February and lasts for 10 days (from February 6 to February 16). During the holiday in the streets of Venice you can see a large army of magicians, jugglers, acrobats. The streets are filled with people in the costumes of guards, vampires, hangmen, archangels, Amazons, stars and others. At the same time, the ancient Venetian palaces host masquerade ball, where people from all over the world gather. Carnival in Venice lasts a whole week, and in size and grandeur is second only to carnivals in Rio de Janeiro. It was from Italy that this type of celebration spread over the centuries to other countries, and began the famous South American carnivals.

The main transport in Venice is the river tram, there is a river taxi. The traditional mode of transport, which is popular with tourists - 11-meter, curved in the form of a crescent gondola.

Related to Venice is the Life and Work of Musicians by J. Carlin, K. Merculo; writers P.Aretino, K.Goldoni, K.Gozzi and others.

In general, Venice is one big attraction, like many Italian cities, and it is very difficult to advise a few places to visit first.

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