
It isn’t Who I Am

It isn’t Who I Am My name is Chris Hall but it's not who I am. Who I am is something deeper that is composed of many different things. I was given a name by my parents, which is a label, which I began my life with... a label to begin a citizenship, as a member of something that is group. As well as a label it was the beginning of an identity. My name is Chris Hall but my identity is something I've built over my life. My identity is not just about me, it's about you and your perception of me. And everyone around me and who they think I am. Alas, with identity we can become attached, but it is not who you are. My name is Chris Hall, but it is not who I am. Who you are is many things, in which we can get into at great depth, but for now... remember when someone says who are you? I am not Chris Hall, it is not who I am, it is my name.


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