
Preliminary results of suspected case to be known today

Preliminary results of suspected case to be known today We are yet to receive the results from the samples taken from a student currently in isolation at KNH after being suspected to have contracted the disease in china.
But the ministry of health in a statement released last evening assured the public that the suspected case is in good general medical condition. The suspected case will remain in isolation until the final results are out.
Meanwhile, the director general of the world health organization, DR. Tedros Adhanom , is today reconvening an international health regulations emergency committee on the new coronavirus to advise him on whether the current corona virus outbreak constitutes a public health emergency of international concern. Meanwhile, the final results of Kenya’s only suspected case of the novel corona virus are likely to be released today.
Back home the ministry of health advises the public to remain vigilant and to maintain basic hand and respiratory hygiene and safe food practices. Likewise, anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as fever, coughing, difficulty in breathing, and sneezing with a history of recent travel to china is advised to go to the nearest health facility for assessment and prompt management.

KNH,ministry of health,corona virus,

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