
What To Do When A Top Performer Unexpectedly Quits (And How To Keep It From Happening Again)

What To Do When A Top Performer Unexpectedly Quits (And How To Keep It From Happening Again) Ever had a top performer on your team unexpectedly quit?

It sucks.

Recently I had someone move on from SPS to start their own thing.

I didn’t see it coming…and of course it was right before Thanksgiving / Christmas. 🀦

Luckily, I’d already recorded this video! lol I went back and watched it to come up with a plan of attack.

Fast forward to today, and I’ve refilled the position with someone amazing and the company is in a much better spot.

Check out this video to find out what to do when you have a top employee quit unexpectedly!

Watch my video "How to Create Great Culture on a Virtual Team" HERE:


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chandler bolt,Self Publishing School,what to do when an employee quits,employee quits job,top employee quits,top performer quits,what to do when an employee quits unexpectedly,

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