
20191201 LZR Kopan - Nature of causative phenomena. How to meditate on emptiness without mistake 3|3

20191201 LZR Kopan - Nature of causative phenomena. How to meditate on emptiness without mistake 3|3 Rinpoche began the teaching explaining that it is important to meditate on the nature of causative phenomena, which is impermanent, but we always see it as permanent, it is changing constantly but we don’t notice. That is why it is so important to meditate on impermanence. Rinpoche then spoke about the shortcomings of samsara and the need to be free from samsara forever, not just for a short time. Rinpoche spoke about the benefits of holy objects and how powerful they are to benefit many sentient beings. Then Rinpoche led a meditation on how the I exists. All the suffering comes from our wrong concepts. This is how the I is created by the mind - there is a valid base – the aggregates. The mind focuses on that, then labelled, merely labelled I. There is nothing else. It is so important to know this, if you don’t want suffering and want to achieve liberation. The mind focuses on the valid base, the aggregates, then made up the label, I, not only that, merely labelled I. This is how the I exists. Rinpoche explained how subtle this is and how we need so much merit to not fall in nihilism or eternalism It is so important to have correct meditation, correct realization and correct understanding. In reality the whole world is like that, not as it appears to us now and what we believe in 100%, the whole reality is not that it doesn’t exist but it is like that. Rinpoche explained how he meditated on emptiness while doing walking meditation and found it very helpful. Then Rinpoche explained some of the dangers that can happen by not correctly meditating on emptiness. By understanding emptiness and how things really exist and then keeping this in your mind then whatever you do is meditation.


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