
The Benefits Of Being Frugal & A Minimalist

The Benefits Of Being Frugal & A Minimalist To me life is about more than just paying bills. people often ask me why am I so cheap, some even say that I'm stingy with my money, and yes they're right I do not like giving my money to large corporations unless it benefits me in the long run. But in this video I talk about why am I so frugal, and why am I so parsimonious.

people often say to me, there's more to life the money, and you can't take it when you die, all of that is true, but I also think there's more to life then paying bills and worrying about your financial struggles, or not worrying about them and then getting worse, yes I think there's more to life than that.

some people don't realize that much of their misery comes from not having a stable financial situation, or better yet, not being financially independent, if you're working a job that you hate and you're financially independent you can just quit. If you're working a job that you hate, and you're living paycheck-to-paycheck you can't quit cuz you got bills to pay.

That's not the lifestyle that I want to live, and that's not the lifestyle I want you to live, I would like you to live the best life you could possibly live because as far as I know you only get one, and you don't look back at your life and say all I did was pay bills and work.

so what is the alternative, cuz it's cool they don't teach you about the alternative, in college they don't teach you about the alternative, they don't teach you that if you get a high enough income and you invested wisely overtime you can retire early. they don't teach you to work towards Financial Freedom as soon as possible so you can work because you want to not because you need to.

I've been Frugal all of my life and I've been a minimalist all of my life. And I believe that I've always just recognized two simple things One Thing is that money gave you power and I wanted power in fact I wanted superpowers and I wanted to take over the world , but that's neither here nor there. and number two I recognized in elementary school that money had more value then what I can purchase in the present moment and also I liked the idea of being able to purchase something more than I actually like being able to purchase it.

What that tells me is that a very young age I understood the difference between purchase power and spending money. I enjoyed having purchase power and I appreciated, although I might not have understood, purchase power and I knew if I spent money my purchase power would decrease and if I save money my purchase power would increase and I enjoyed that feeling of purchase power.

But it took me until I was 21 years old start investing that money, I've been interested in money all of my life but I did nothing to invest it. Well guess what those days are over and there was day should be over for you as well, the only way we can reach Financial Freedom is to investing our money, unless you have a super ridiculously high income like a celebrity basketball player then the chances of you being able to save your way to Financial Freedom is very unlikely.

so I guess we can say simply, I'm Frugal because I want Power over my own life and I want you to save your money so you can have power over your own life

#minimalism #investing #FIREmovement #buildingwealth

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