Music: "Stage Select" from Rockman (Mega Man) 2 The Power Fighters - Setsuo Yamamoto and Hideki Okugawa
Here's the one and only stage select music for Rockman 2 arcade game as opposed to 3. Despite it being a relatively short piece, I don't find this one as catchy as some of the stage select music from the first Rockman arcade. This is probably because the first arcade does the random selection animation (Well, it always stops in a certain order unless you press start midway through) whereas this game gives you a time limit to pick the next boss yourself.
The music actually feels bigger than it is when is comes to sequencing. Most of the tracks are delay tracks aimed at trying to create some sort of reverb. But anyways, despite the fast drums and guitar, most of the square waves play slowly, allowing me to shorten the amount of time I needed to complete this sequence. The guitars also play a chord repeatedly, allowing me to easily use copy + paste.