
Iran news in brief, November 20, 2019

Iran news in brief, November 20, 2019 Iran news in brief, November 20, 2019

Nationwide Uprising Continues in Iranian Cities Despite Ruthless Suppression

Despite widespread and ruthless killing, the Iranian people’s nationwide uprising passed its fifth day. This is while the IRGC, the paramilitary Bassij, State Security Force, the Ministry of Intelligence and Security, other suppressive organs, and even the regular army are on full alert.
In Tehran, protests and clashes between the people and the suppressive forces in and Tehran resumed today.
In Shiraz, helicopters fired on the protesters from the air, killing a female high school student. When the rebellious youths attacked a paramilitary Bassij base, many were killed by 50-caliber heavy machineguns.
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, hailed the arisen people of Iran and urged the world community to condemn the regime’s crimes and recognize the right of the Iranian people to topple the religious, murderous fascism ruling Iran.

Three Women Killed in Crackdown on Iran Protests

The Iranian regime killed at least 3 women in Mahshahr and Shiraz.
Monday night, two women got killed by heavy machineguns when people clashed with suppressive forces in Mahshahr, Khuzestan Province.
On Tuesday a young girl student was targeted by a State Security Force helicopter.
Iran protests continued for the fifth day on Tuesday despite extensive bloody crackdown by the clerical regime’s security forces who have been on full alert.
in Kermanshah a woman by the name of Paris Seifi, was among those arrested. Parisa was arrested in Sanandaj where she lives.

Amnesty International: Iran Regime's Top Officials Give Green Light to Crush Protests

On Tuesday, Amnesty International, condemned the ongoing crackdown of the peaceful protests in Iran.
"Verified video footage, eyewitness testimony from people on the ground and information gathered from human rights activists outside Iran reveal a harrowing pattern of unlawful killings by Iranian security forces, which have used excessive and lethal force to crush largely peaceful protests in more than 100 cities across Iran sparked by a hike in fuel prices on 15 November, said Amnesty International today," Amnesty wrote on its website.

"At least 106 protesters in 21 cities have been killed, according to credible reports received by Amnesty International. The organization believes that the real death toll may be much higher, with some reports suggesting as many as 200 have been killed" Amnesty added.

"Top government officials including Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei have issued statements describing protesters as ‘villains’ and giving security forces a green light to crush demonstrations" read the report.

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Condemned Iran Regime’s Crackdown on Protests

On Tuesday, Rupert Colville, the spokesperson of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, in a press release, expressed concerns over increasing death toll and Iran regime’s ongoing crackdown on protests.
"We are deeply concerned by reported violations of international norms and standards on the use of force, including the firing of live ammunition, against demonstrators in Iran during the protests that began on Friday and have continued into this week. We are especially alarmed that the use of live ammunition has allegedly caused a significant number of deaths across the country" read the statement.
Referring to the regime's total blockade of Internet the OHCHR statement added, "We also call on the Government to immediately re-establish Iranians’ access to the internet, as well as other forms of communication, which allow for freedom of expression and access to information."

Iran,Maryam Rajavi,MEK,PMOI,human rights,Iran protests,NCRI,fundamentalism,National Council of Resistance of Iran,People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran,Paris,Mujahedin-e-Khalq,People’s Mujahedin of Iran,Iraq,Syria,democracy,extremism,tolerance,Iran news in brief,November 20,2019,Iran Protest,

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