download on human origins:
gets into subject @ 3:40min.
evolution theory (Darwin) - as still taught in schools and is the established (institution) sciences official explanation of human origins-, is false ~ explained..
what is royalty in the dna template?
byron katie,teal swan,rupert spira,matt kahn,bentinho massaro,lisa brown,lisa transcendence brown,ananta kranti,jeff foster,abraham hicks,dr. joe dispenza,non-duality,nassim haramein,corey goode,david wilcock,sasha stone,marina jacobi,franco de nicola,ethann fox,micheila sheldon,adyashanti,bashar,ashayana deane,dan winter,gregg braden,quantum physics,soul,ascension,Rion derouen,sandra walter,keylontic,Darwin,theory of evolution,human origins,