
Dual Nature of Ketones- So Much More than Fat Loss

Dual Nature of Ketones- So Much More than Fat Loss Click Here to Subscribe:
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Special Thanks to Nicholas Norwitz - Oxford Ketone PhD Researcher and Harvard Med Student - for working diligently on research!

Nicholas Norwitz:

Keto Diet Guide: How to Measure your Ketones Properly:

Keto Brain Benefits:

How to do a Keto Diet: The Complete Guide:

Dual Nature of Ketones- So Much More than Fat Loss - Thomas DeLauer

There's really four pillars of disease. When we look at every chronic disease, when we look at death in general, it all comes down to these four pillars. We've got energy metabolism issues, like mitochondrial dysfunction. We have oxidative stress, we have inflammation, and we have cellular death. When we look at these four pillars, they operate in a vicious cycle that, quite frankly, can be linked to just about every chronic disease and ultimately death. If we can break this cycle, we can start fixing these issues, and there are now legitimate scientifically backed ways to break this cycle, and they have to do with ketones.

The frustrating thing about the ketogenic diet right now is how it is publicized and marketed. I mean, I appreciate the fact that everyone talks about how the ketogenic diet is great for fat loss and great for weight loss, and I appreciate the fact that everyone says, "Oh, ketones are this tremendous fuel."

Now, this Oxford group was the same group that was led by professor Kieran Clarke, who really originated all the modern ketone research back in 1995. So he originated the ketone research in 1995 based upon finding that the metabolic efficiency of a working heart improved with ketones.

That's neither here nor there right now, it just lends credibility to this whole review article. Now, the lead author on this review article is someone by the name of Nicholas Norwitz. Now, I've begun working with Nicholas Norwitz on some projects, and he has begun working with me with my team on some projects.

Really interesting guy, and he was the lead author on this review article, so I wanted to do this video not only to give him some serious credit on some things he's worked on, but also to bring some amazing stuff to light and to introduce him to my followers and introduce him to people that are watching my channel, because he's doing some really amazing things over there with ketone research at Oxford University.

First, we have to understand how we make energy. We make energy in the mitochondria. Now, what happens is we have high energy electrons that are passing down this sort of chain of proteins. Now, what happens is little bits of energy kind of come off of this chain, and ultimately spin something known as ATP synthase.

The electron transport chain isn't a whole lot of fun to talk about for most people, but basically, energy comes off of this and it spins a little turbine, ATP synthase.

And when that turbine spins, it's creating energy. It's just like water flowing through a hydroelectric dam and spinning a turbine. So normally, with that, you have just a certain degree of efficiency, not a whole, whole lot. Now, when ketones are in the equation, ketones end up changing the ratio in which the electron transport chain kind of works.

We burn cleaner because of ketones, and then we have sort of an indirect way of combating the bulls in the China shop after the fact, because it activates an NADPH. So, again, we're already well above the fact that ketones can just be burned for fuel.

Now we get into the really exciting stuff this review article looks at. It talks about how ketones have hormone like properties. It's almost as though they are like a master hormone within our body and we never even knew it. It's really wild stuff.

So they have these signaling functions, and they bind to a G-protein coupled receptor, which causes basically all kinds of other binding, but it binds to something known as HCAR2, which triggers a cascade of a bunch of different things.

We're now starting to see that, for example, ketones can even bind to histones and properly unlock even more stuff. So the point is I want you to stay tuned on all the keto research that's coming out. Stop thinking inside the keto, weight loss box to start thinking about the true practical pharmaceutical power of ketones, the magical thing that we can get just by changing our diet. So as always, keep it locked in here on my channel. And, again, big thank you to Oxford University and to Nicholas Norwitz for helping me out with this video. I'll see you all soon. Keep it locked in here.

The Mechanisms by Which the Ketone Body D-β-Hydroxybutyrate May Improve the Multiple Cellular Pathologies of Parkinson's Disease:

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