In response to popular demand for learning pronunciation that we got in the Set 1, we have 10 more mispronounced words in Set 2 that have been corrected for you. Some are common English words, and others are words of foreign origin. However, every word is a commonly used word, hence it is important to learn to pronounce them correctly. In addition, you will know the meanings of these words as they are explained with examples on usage. Do not miss this lesson.
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Common Mispronounced words,11 commonly mispronounced words,50 mispronounced words,20 mispronounced words,commonly mispronounced words,commonly mispronounced words in india,mispronounced words with phonetic transcription,Usha Pandit,The Mindsprings English Teacher,words mispronounced in english,words mispronounced in india,10 words you are mispronouncing wrong,Common mispronunciation mistakes,Pronunciation lesson,english teacher,