
'Do I Look Compelled?' Said the Demon ('The Exorcist,' Decode) • Spiritual Authority is Important!

'Do I Look Compelled?' Said the Demon ('The Exorcist,' Decode) • Spiritual Authority is Important! This decode is based on "The Exorcist," Season 1, Episode 2, called, "Lupus in Fabula." I will further decode more shows, movies, songs, and clips through spiritual eyes.

The necessity of having Spiritual Authority over spirits from The One is scriptural based on the Book of Acts chapter 19, verses 11-17, where it says, "And the evil spirit answered, 'Jesus, I know, Paul I know, but who are you?' "

I have tried to upload some decodes to YouTube and they were denied from publishing, so I am creating a podcast for when I can't get content to post here.

I'll make sure the links notify all you greatly appreciated viewers and subscribers of new content! Thank you for watching, commenting, and listening! Please Like, Share, and Subscribe!

In order to properly deal with unclean spirits, you must be anointed by The One/The Most High in order for them to listen to (be compelled by) a human.

Churches teaching that you need only throw Bible verses and dry, ineffective prayers at them are out of order.

This line of thinking and teaching is akin to telling Christians they can blow down a steel door with a mouth whistle.

"The Exorcist" can be seen on Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Google Play Movies & TV, FOX, and Vudu. Clips and reviews of the show are also on YouTube and IMDB (Internet Movie Database).


1) Here is Season 1, Episode 1 of "The Exorcist". I was unable to locate any clips of S1-E2 which is called, "Lupus in Fabula" and that's where the audio in this video is from. You'll have to look at it on Hulu or another app that has it in order to see it. It is a powerful show.

**Note: Scary folks and weak churchgoers need not watch this show. There is a level of knowledge to it that most will not be able to interpret, nor integrate into their Spiritual Warfare repertoires.


2) A clip/trailer for "The Exorcist" series on IMDB, as well as images from the show:


3) Thumbnail Photo: "Father Marcus" character played by actor Ben Daniels, looks genuinely perturbed at the demon's scornful reply, as he watches the demon fade away into the sky in Season 1, Episode 2 (28-01 to 30-23 minute mark on the show).

The audio content, title, photos, video, and screenplay language in entertainment featured in my videos do not belong to me, unless otherwise noted. All rights belong to the owners. The audio, art, photos, and links used herein are used for research, commentary, and education purposes in alignment with the United States Fair Use Copyright Act of 1976.

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Copyright 2019 Metaphysical Life Mastery (MLM). All Rights Reserved. All content belonging to other sources, sites, books, authors, etc., is always honestly and respectfully cited and attributed on this channel and my social media platforms.

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Father Marcus,The Exorcist series,Spiritual Warfare,Demonology,Horror,Demonic possession,demonic attack,Spiritual Authority,

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