
A2 able 할 수 있다 2

A2 able 할 수 있다 2 #영어동사패턴 #영어패턴연습 #영어반복연습
be able W1 S1
할 수 있다

be able 0:11
할 수 있다
[]Come for a visit when you are able
[]He will buy a new car as soon as he is able.

be able to do something 1:56
⋯할 수 있다
[]He’ll be able to help you.
[]Is he able to swim?
[]I’d love to be able to sing like you.

[]She’s barely able to read or write.
[]We were able to leave at noon.
[]You must be able to speak French for this job.
[]I haven’t been able to read that report yet.
[]I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to phone you yesterday.
[]Will you be able to manage on your own?
[]She'll never be able to have children.

[]We'll be able to meet them right after lunch.
[]I won’t be able to see you today.
[]I visited her whenever I was able to.
[]She is not physically able to take care of herself.
[]They’re able to buy whatever they want.
[]Unfortunately they weren’t able to come.
[]I haven’t been able to get any more information.
[]It's so wonderful being able to see the sea from my window.
[]Dr Jones is very busy but I'm sure she'll be able to see you tomorrow.

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