
First Time Driving | My Daughter Got Her Permit!

First Time Driving | My Daughter Got Her Permit! That time you handed your car keys over to your teenager!

Alaina got her permit today. I waited until Jason got home from work to let her take us on our first ride with her. IT WAS TERRIFYING Y'ALL!!! The scariest part is that she needs A LOT of practice, which means I have to start doing this on a regular basis now. Please say a prayer for us!!!

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A little bit about us....

We are newly married with 3 children, ages 15, 12, and almost 1. I started vlogging to document Nolan's milestones when he was about 6 months old.
I was a teen mom, back before MTV glamorized it. I was only 15 when I had my daughter, Alaina, who is now 15 herself! If that struggle wasn't enough, I had another child shortly after turning 19. I was surprised to find out after birth, that he has Down Syndrome. He's had many struggles that I would never wish on another child. When Bennett and our family was dealing with this, Facebook and YouTube were just taking off and I didn't have the luxury of networking with other families like people are able to easily do these days.
Both of my first two children seemed to have pretty unique circumstances that would've made for a great youtube story, so I regret not doing this sooner. If anyone can relate to feeling like you're alone, it's me. Thankfully these days, social media allows you to connect with other people. So, while I may not have shared my most interesting times with YouTube, it's never too late to start. Now, my story is about as vanilla as they come. I'm married with 3 children and a stay at home mom. I love God, my husband, my children, and my life. We are so blessed and I hope that you will stick around so we can share our slightly less than unique life with you.

Teen Driver,Scared Mom,Driving Permit,

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