‘Can’ and ‘Could’ both mean the same thing, which is why they are commonly confused. The word ‘could’ is a form of the word ‘can’, but the two are used in very different contexts.Can and Could are two familiar modal auxiliaries. However we are often confused about the exact functions of can and could in English grammar. Majority of the English learners use these modal auxiliary verbs incorrectly without being aware of the impression those words would make on the listener. This video take you through the functions and exact usages of modal verbs can and could.
Before that, take a glance at modal auxiliaries in general. Modal auxiliaries sometimes act as verb.All modal verbs in english are listed here for the reference : can, could, may, might,must, ought to, shall, should, will and would. Need is also used as modal auxiliary.
A modal is a type of auxiliary or helping verb that is used to express: ability, possibility, permission or obligation. It is often possible to use the same auxiliary to express different ideas. For example, we can use ‘can’ to talk about ability and possibility.Modal auxiliary verbs never change form, but they have a different form for past tense.
lets us learn how both can and could are used for the same and what differences do these words bring to the meaning of the sentences.
This video focuses on 2 modal auxiliary verbs, can and could.
Use of Can and Could
The verb could is, primarily, the past tense form of the word can. But it has other functions that the word can does not have.
Can and could also are used to express the continuous aspect of verbs of perception (see, hear, feel, taste, smell, etc.) and verbs like understand, remember, etc.
‘Can’ in this form, is an auxiliary verb, which means that it is used with another verb to show that the person is able to perform the action.
There are a few other meanings of the word. It can also mean a sort of container. They are usually cylindrical and made of metal, but it can also refer to plastics and oddly shaped containers, such as watering cans. The word ‘can’ is also a verb which means to put something in a container, to stop something, or to fire someone from a job.
The word ‘could’ means the same as the auxiliary form of the word ‘can’: the ability to do something. However, it is the past tense form of the word.
To summarize, ‘can’ is the present tense version of the word and ‘could’ is the past tense version of the word. ‘Could’ is also used when a condition must be fulfilled in order for the thing to happen. ‘Can’ is used when there is nothing that would stop the thing from happening. When asking someone to do something, either word can be used, but ‘could’ is considered to be more polite.