
Freestyle, whatever your style!

Freestyle, whatever your style! Freestyle is a discipline for everyone!
This video showcases the diverse participants in our freestyle classes, their awesome skills and what happens when all these disciplines collaborate!
Freestyle welcomes all, whether you want to build your skills as a free runner or help out with your gymnastics, beginners or advanced, come along and try our classes.

16+ Adult gym/freestyle, open and structured - Monday 8pm - 9:15pm
10+ Freestyle, structured - Thursday 7:30pm - 8:30pm
8+ Freestyle, structured - Saturday 4pm - 5pm
8+ Freestyle, open - Saturday 5pm - 6pm
10+ Freestyle, open - Saturday 6pm - 7pm

freestyle,parkour,free running,tricking,gymnastics,cheer,cheerleading,whatever,your,style,wade,

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