
Re-united after 19 years : Identical twins separated at birth

Re-united after 19 years : Identical twins separated at birth Re-united after 19 years : Identical twins separated at birthPicture this, you are a student and attending a regional music festival for your school and teachers from another school mistake you for a student in their school
By they way, they seem so sure that they almost even beat you up for denying that you are not the person you claim to be. Quite disturbing- isn't it.Even more disturbing you later discover that the woman who raised you for 19 years may not actually  be  your maternal mother and unknown to you , you actually have an identical twin sister.
Georgina Magondu witnessed the re-union of the twin sisters in Kakamega county  after  being separated for 19 years.

Georgina Magondu,Kakamega,_kakamega twins re-united,

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