
I Can't Get The Under Sink Properly Clean

I Can't Get The Under Sink Properly Clean At first i show the bottom i clean then i show the wet spots (i used lysol wipes)after i show the bottom left and right sides i wiped clean and then you can see the final results once clean ,once dry and finaly i show here mouse traps put there after finding the single(only one )mouse dead..strangely enough there is signs of mouse ..i am telling you i never could of realy clean those very very old (aged and dirty)pressed wood cupboards.Now you know why in 5 years i never put food in the first i was putting clean container in plastic bags before to fix them in the cupboards and then items that i knew i would wash before use and now i am working out a way to store my food and items(cntainers etc)in my storage totes i bought and in my two pantries and other i own.I want to add ..the big whole in the back of that cupboard always been there as long i am concern.


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