
The Practice of Specific Principles (296A) by Joel S. Goldsmith

The Practice of Specific Principles (296A) by Joel S. Goldsmith 1959 Chicago Open Class by Joel S. Goldsmith
Tapes for this class are listed here below:
295A: From Man of Earth to Him Whose Being is In Christ
295B: What Slows Our Spiritual Progress?
296A: The Practice of Specific Principles
296B: The Practice of Specific Principles continued
Welcome! “The Universal Infinite Way,” is dedicated to the Glory of the Almighty GOD: to HIM alone be all the glory and honor now and forever more, Amen! This channel is founded on and devoted to the Message of The Infinite Way brought forth through the wonderful Joel S. Goldsmith.

I freely share, give, send out audios (originally Tape-recorded) not yet available on YouTube—else, is to provide clarity/completeness: they are all yours. I also share the shouting Principle(s) and/or Scriptures from that particular audio or class/series, along with those that spontaneously come to me as I listen: these are posted as “THE NOW LESSON.” The Consciousness that brought forth the Message of The Infinite Way through Joel S. Goldsmith governs, maintains, and sustains It: I gladly serve in Its leading.

“ In the Message of The Infinite Way, we learn that, ‘I and the Father are One,’ ‘All that the Father hath is mine,’ mine to share, mine to give, mine to send out about the Father’s business. I do not have to hold on it, for I do not live on yesterday’s manna. Everyday God unfolds, discloses, and reveals Itself; and always there are 12- basketful left over.” ~Joel S. Goldsmith.

Infinite gratitude and honor to all involved in the activities of The Infinite Way—privately or publicly, individually or collectively, online or offline—for all times: past, present, future. To echo St. Paul: “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, is with you all! Amen.” You are blessed, you have blessed, you are blessing. Stay blessed!

Thank you for visiting with me here. Namaste. May the Grace of GOD be with you now & forevermore, Amen. Aloha!

Feel free to join in with us daily for group/united meditations/prayers between 6:00 PM-8:00 PM (HST).

Infinite Love & Light, Stay Blessed!
Aemen, R
Infinite Way Practitioner & Teacher
***Contacts for Practitioner, or other help, are at this channel’s homepage: “The Universal Infinite Way.”


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