Steven Bodnar is a gamer, mountaineer, former NCAA athlete, and entrepreneur; the Founder, CEO, and Executive Chairman of Braxxis Partners, LLC, a Blank Check/Holding Company focused on developing an IP portfolio of Software including a real time tax application, a Cryptocurrency supported social network, a space-based MMORPG, and 30+ other opportunities. The company's core business is to conduct Acquisitions of positive cash flow companies in: Technology, Business Services, Executive Staffing, Insurance, Natural Resources, and Oil & Gas. An alumni of Le Moyne College, Steven also served as a 1st LT in the US Army Reserve and built his organization out of management consulting and trading operations in Stocks, Options, and Cryptocurrency. He worked closely with banking billionaire, Matthew Mellon.
This video goes into how to get hold of anyone in 2020. I reveal some useful strategies as well as mention CRMs and Tools to be ready to do business. I also emphasize assertiveness and highlight the importance of applying pressure on executives because like politicians, they are not following through with the gurgling sounds flowing out of their mouths.