
CleanSlate Theme Development Tutorial Series - #17 Profile templates & pulling content across pages

CleanSlate Theme Development Tutorial Series - #17 Profile templates & pulling content across pages This video shows how to create an index page that pulls content from its children. This is most commonly seen in Profile Index and Profile Individual templates; however, this technique is used in many, many different scenarios where we are looking to get content from one page and onto another.

🧠 Concepts Covered:
-Profile page structure
-Getting children via r:children:each
-Getting content in a loop via r:page:content
-Viewing and changing the content of profile templates via Mock Data
-Pulling profiles at multiple levels
-Pulling select profiles via labels

πŸ“š Materials/References:

πŸ”— Pulling content from one page onto another:
πŸ”— Making a list of profiles via a certain label or labels:
πŸ”— Brand Patterns profile templates:
πŸ”— Official Docs:

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