
Are you consistent with your business?

Are you consistent with your business? Are you consistent with your idea? Is you business sustainable?

People often jump into business for different reasons. Although some will say it doesn't matter why you went with a particular idea. However, it is important that your ability to consistently drive that idea hinges on your why. You cannot sustain what you're not consistent with. And success of every idea depends on it's sustainability through your consistency.
In this video, I share my 5Ps why people start a business and what happens with such ideas depending on the why.
1. To Prove a point /pride - driven by revenge, statusquo, to belong, accolades, recognition, fame, etc.

2. Purpose - driven by sense of purpose, services, problem solving, sense of actualization.

3. Pocket - money driven. It's all about money and nothing else matters.

4. Passion - an overwhelming interest at something. This is driven by emotional attachment to something. You want to surround your life with doing this. It becomes your way of life.

Now listen and share your opinion in the comment section. Do you agree or disagree with me? Ladies let's talk business with Faustina Anyanwu

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