When a 12 or 13-year old girl finds out that a false pornographic photo or video of her is “mounted” to her name and shared among a mass of people could lead to a great traumatic condition, and even suicide, said the Zmijanac, the President and Founder of the First children’s embassy Megjashi commenting the possible consequences of the cyber violence, as is the recent one in the “Public room” group of Telegram. In this group, videos and photographs with explicit contents were “mounted” to juvenile girls from Macedonia, but also authentic pornographic photos were shared among 7,400 members of the group.
The members of the group also shared numbers of the private cell phones of the girls, with embarrassing sexist and humiliating comments. Zmijanac confirms that the First children’s embassy Megjashi has reported the case last Friday, 24 January 2020.
- This is moral degradation of our society as a whole and children are left alone to cope with it. Parents must pay more attention and put back upbringing as a highest priority in developing personalities with integrity – stated Zmijanac