
The Triple Constraint. Jan 26, #StartNow2020

The Triple Constraint. Jan 26, #StartNow2020 The Triple Constraint. Jan 26, #StartNow2020

Learn to Negotiate, part 2: The Triple Constraint 

Cheap/Fast/Good. Pick Two. 

From Wikipedia:

The Project Management Triangle is a model of the constraints of project management.

It contends that:

The quality of work is constrained by the project's budget, deadlines and scope (features).

The project manager can trade between constraints.

Changes in one constraint necessitate changes in others to compensate or quality will suffer.

For example, a project can be completed faster by increasing budget or cutting scope. Similarly, increasing scope may require equivalent increases in budget and schedule. Cutting budget without adjusting schedule or scope will lead to lower quality.

Artists are faced with this Triple Constraint every time they have a project discussion with a potential client. These are the questions you need to ask when negotiating with a client:

Do you have a list of required deliverables?

When do you need this project completed by?

What is the budget?

Understand the triple constraint and how that applies to your client process so you can negotiate better terms for your business! 

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