

THE SPELL OF RELIGION - ACTUAL FACTS VS ACCEPTED TRUTHS - ILLUMINATI SECRETS - FREE DR YORK 2020 "The English language is a cifer, not a language it’s an illusions,

I went throught each sound of the alphabet and showed how it’s a only a few real letters and how all the vowels are one letter, A.

EuroMasons set this plan up with the Pleiadians in order to mess up your matrix.

Vowels are placed above & below the letters in Arabic.

When an "African Americans" says okay, they really don't overstand what they are saying.

When you say okay over and over you're not comprehending just trying to get them to be quiet. Africans Americans do that alot

The most deceptive word in religion is the word "believe" or "belief", because a person can believe anything and this means that a person can believe and be one hundred percent wrong.

But a KNOWLEDGE is knowing and knowledge is correct information.

" To Know" gives one confidence, but belief infers doubt. Knowledge can be checked out by one or more of the three tests:

1. experience 2. evidence 3. reason

Knowledge is always logical and it reasons out. The first step to Nuwaupu is the The Right Knowledge, which will pass any one of the three tests practical for knowledge given.

Our Ancient Calendar has been channeled through Me, to give to you.

In the Design of the beaded works of Our Ancient Egiptian Ancestors, It is to be used to follow time.

However to fully Overstand the importance of our CaLENDAR, you must first overstand the Concept of Time.

You See you can’t Judge Time by your present concept of Time, The Luciferians Time.

Think about it.
Seconds in Time were created before first. Their Time has Missing Hours, Minutes, and Seconds, they judge their time by 24 hours.

And yet it's not a full 24 hours
It’s 23 hours, 56 minutes and 6 seconds."( End quote).

Also there is no such thing as clockwise as in direction. Time is not going from one incident to the next, the incident is, and will always be happening.

They are having you base yourself on their time, and you can't keep track of time.

Time is expanding outwards and yesterday, today and tomorrow is still out there and that's why tomorrow never comes., because today is a flow from yesterday.

Time is.
It is important that we lock or align ourselves with natural, true, or infinite time.

When I said the end of the world cycle is going to be in the year 2000 A.D., I didn't necessarily mean 2000 A.D. exactly.

I meant that time period of time, because his time is altered, and is always different.

Thus it is important to find the accurate time.

The Ancient Egiptian Sun Dial Clock was based on a 361 day/shadow cycle year and was aligned with the Time Piece of The Universe…….BA RE or "The SUN".

This is clear evidence that our Ancient Egiptian Ancestors called Tama-Reans or Nuwaupians Overstood the True Principles of Time-Monitoring.

The Most High has revealed to the Tamhu (Canaanites) called Europeans the the first component of their time system is also NINETEEN (19). That’s Right!!! Their FIRST is not a SECOND.

Modern Technology have revealed to them that there are 19 Oscillations in their Second!
You have been living according to the Devil’s Time Cycle Three Sixes:

360 = {(3)[60]}.=(3)[6]0 = 3 three 6 sixes / (three sixes)/.

Our Calendar as a Base 19.

19 is a very unique number. It is a number that may well have avoided the Y-2-K (Year 2000) Problem had the Western Scholars been aware of Universal Truth and Supreme Mathematics
Here again, 2000 AD marked The End of The Devil’s Rule.

Hence when the Devil’s Time System based on 60 Seconds, 60 Minutes and

Twenty-Four Hours (24 = 2+4 or 6) or 666 (Bible: Revelations 13:18). 666 is "THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST which is also the number of a MAN, but it is not the number of The Devil..

As quiet as it is kept the number 666 is not the number of the Devil, but rather The Number of The Beast!

The number of the Devil is Zero – 0/ The Space Holder also known in Supreme Mathematics as "The Error Term". WHAT IS THE ERROR TERM?

The Error Term is by definition "The Time or TERM given to the Devil to Rule

The Planet Earth and the Humim Family of Qi/.Gi/Ki (The Earth). The Cipher/Zero

Or Error Term" denotes "The Time that "Errors-To Err – The Errant being allowed

To rule" will be allowed by the Supreme Being. These Errants (or devils) would be given power to Rule for a specific TERM or Time Span here on the Planet Earth.

The TIME would be or a total of 6,000 years not counting the Grace Periods allowed by GOD.

Here again you can see the importance of 19 and 1999. As the computer literate people already know, once you reach 1999 the numerical binary bytes

Will automatically jump back to 0000…Time is UP!!!

The rays of the Sun hits the surface of the Earth every 8.4 minutes.When we look at the sun it is from 8 minutes before

There are 8 phases of the moon (New Moon, the waxing crescent, the first quarter, the waxing gibis, the full moon, the waning gibis, the third quarter, and the waning crescent) " - DR MALACHI Z YORK


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