
Quick guide to heart rate training | Polar

Quick guide to heart rate training | Polar In this video, Polar Master Trainer Maria walks you through the basics of heart rate training. You'll get to know the basic heart rate training terminology such as training heart rate, maximum heart rate, and heart rate training zones as well as understand how training with heart rate can take your workouts to the next level.

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Getting the most out of training doesn’t always require working faster or harder: it requires working smarter. When you monitor your heart rate during your workouts, you know exactly how hard your body is working. Heart rate training equips you with the smartness you need. It optimizes your effort and makes every minute of each session count.

******* WHY TRAIN WITH HEART RATE? *******
➡️ NO MORE GUESSWORK - Heart rate tracking is a simple tool for evaluating your effort. You'll see how hard your body is working in real-time, and you can analyze the details of your session afterward.

➡️ TRAIN SMARTER - When you track your heart rate during your workouts, you can easily control and vary the intensity level and when you train at varying intensities you'll develop your aerobic fitness effectively.

➡️ SEE YOUR IMPROVEMENT - The feeling of being able to do more than before is one of the most motivating things there are. Heart rate tracking helps you monitor the improvement of your aerobic fitness in the long run.

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