
NYC Mudflood Mansion With Tartarian Tech: Copper Atmospheric Electricity Device? WHAT IS IT???

NYC Mudflood Mansion With Tartarian Tech: Copper Atmospheric Electricity Device? WHAT IS IT??? Were these bizarre metal structures used for attracting and harnessing electrical energy from the atmosphere/aether? This is a video slideshow of the Shinasi "mud flood" Mansion in New York City with close attention to a pair of highly stylized metal spire-like structures on its roof. The spires are attached to a larger metal (copper?) structure. The whole "mechanism" is is decorated with fine ornamental details and appears of master craftsmanship.

What are these things and what were they used for???

Mainstream historians will tell you this heavy, expensive, copper roof masterpiece was only an example of lavish overspending by the robber barons/industrialists/elites of that age. Was it? Or did it have another or multiple uses?

THERE IS a mystery that says these grand artistic buildings, the style, ornaments, motifs, symbols and designs, as seen in buildings all over the world, are from a civilization and culture that has been hidden from the masses. This civilization, which many have been calling Tartaria, seems to have had a worldwide free energy system. Tall ornate structures, and the varied assemblies of shapes and parts in the architecture of domed and multi towered buildings attracted and stored electricity from the atmosphere. Could it be true?

Also interesting are the other exterior part of the mansion made entirely of copper. Most of the copper areas are covered in a green patina. But there are pictures of one section in the rear of the building that has been fully cleaned. Why would you build your house out of copper?

The building is decorated with the typical Tartarian/Phonecian/Roman age symbolism, found in buildings all over the world. Other shots show how the mansion is below ground at least a floor, and seems as if it could have been buried and dug out of the ground.

What do you think is going on here?

Tartaria,Mudflood,atmospheric electricity,aether,golden age,Science in Architecture,Greco Roman Architecture,Ancient Symbols,The Flood,The Reset,

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