
Now Indians do Not Need a Visa For Brazil

Now Indians do Not Need a Visa For Brazil Brazil has announced that Indians won’t require a visa to travel to Brazil. Brazil’s President, Jair Bolsanaro said that Chinese and Indian tourists won’t need a visa to come to Brazil.This applies to both tourists and business personnel. Ever since Bolsanaro came to power earlier this year, he has made a point to lessen visa requirements for developed countries.Brazil had already dropped visa requirements for tourists from the United States, Canada, Japan and Australia. India and China are the newest countries to get the same treatment.

This comes at a good time for Indian citizens as more and more tourists are taking international trips as part of vacations and business trips. Adding South America to the list is just an added bonus.Due to being far away from Asia, flight tickets to South American countries has always expensive.But now with Brazil dropping visa requirements, there’s hope that more countries in the South American continent will do the same.

This means that Indians can think about exploring more countries and ticking off more destinations from their travel bucket lists.

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