
How to Take Care of a Drunk Person? Checking That They’re Safe

How to Take Care of a Drunk Person? Checking That They’re Safe 👍 Become a Patron:
How to Take Care of a Drunk Person? Knowing how to properly care for a drunk person can sometimes be the difference between life and death for that person. When someone consumes too much alcohol, they’re at risk of injuring themselves or others, succumbing to possible alcohol poisoning, or potentially choking on their own vomit in their sleep. In order to properly take care of a drunk person, you need to be able to identify the signs of alcohol poisoning, ensure the safety of that person, and take the correct steps to help them sober up the right way.
Ask them how much they’ve had to drink. Knowing what they had to drink and how much of it can help you decide what the best course of action is. How much they drank, how fast they drank it, how big they are, their tolerance, and whether or not they ate before they drank can all influence how drunk they are. It’s possible they may just need to sleep it off, but you can’t know that unless you know how much alcohol they consumed. Try asking something like, “How are you feeling? Do you know how much you drank? Did you have anything to eat today?” That can give you an idea of how much they consumed. If they’ve had more than 5 drinks on an empty stomach, they could be dangerously drunk and may require medical assistance. If they’re incoherent and unable to understand you, it could be a sign of alcohol poisoning. Get them to a hospital as soon as you can. If you’ve been drinking, do not drive. Call an ambulance or have a trustworthy sober person drive you and the drunk person to a hospital.

--------- CONTENTS ---------
00:29 Ask them how much they’ve had to drink
01:19 Explain what you intend to do before you touch or approach a...
02:04 Check for signs of alcohol poisoning
02:35 Get them to a safe place so they don’t injure themselves or ...

--------- CC LICENSE --------
Creative Commons license: Take-Care-of-a-Drunk-Person (wikihow & authors)

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how to Take Care of a Drunk Person,Ask them how much they’ve had to drink,Explain what you intend to do before you touch or,Check for signs of alcohol poisoning,Get them to a safe place so they don’t injure them,Featured Articles,DIY,how to,

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