
How to approach your Data Science Career in 2020?

How to approach your Data Science Career in 2020? #datascience #machinelearning #career

Data Science is more than machine learning. Machine learning is just a small component of data science projects. There are data science projects that do not require machine learning at all as well

Some job report and industry stats has resulted in plenty of college introducing machine learning and Artificial Intelligence in to their curriculum and we are flooded with online courses and data science training institutes

In this video we will see various other parts of data science that one can build their career on to be industry ready of job ready. This is more to provide tips and guidance on other area of data science

AI,Artificial Intelligence,Machine learning,ML,Dev Ops,Data Engineering,Cloud,Data science,datascience,machinelearning,artificialintelligence,devops,career,interview,

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