
Doctor Who | Series 12 Title Sequence

Doctor Who | Series 12 Title Sequence My second title sequence produced for Series 12 of Doctor Who. Originally, this sequence began its life as a modern take on the ‘slit-scan’ Doctor Who title sequences from the mid-1970s. Since September, the sequence underwent a more abstract change. A new storyboard was drawn up, and the title sequence began a new life during early December once I had returned from University.

I had the idea of a vast space, filled geometric structures, nebula, stars and various planets. This was to be one of the two main set-pieces of the sequence, and would be the space in which the cast credits would be animated.

I wanted the TARDIS to be featured far more than in previous sequences. I now work with Maya, and was able to model and animate the Jodie TARDIS prop. The second set-piece would see Jodie’s Doctor surrounded by space. This is very much an idea I’ve developed previously in the first two Jodie concept sequences, and I feel now it has been visualised to a level that I’m finally satisfied with. A displacement map was created for the image of Jodie, to give the impression that she was actually three-dimensional instead of just a 2D element being circled by a camera. I’ve always liked the idea of showing the Doctor as, quite literally, a being of the universe. She seems almost God-like surrounded by the cosmos.

The sequence concludes within a TARDIS-shaped slit-scan vortex. This vortex was produced digitally, but followed the creative process of the original slit-scan vortex. It was a very delicate effect to get right, but I think the results were worth it!

The amazing theme tune I featured was produced by Alexander Erben, and can be listened to in full here:

Thanks for watching!

Doctor Who and it's associated material belongs to the BBC.

All original content and concepts © Dave Burgess Motion Graphics and Design 2013-2020

doctor who,title sequence,motion design,graphic design,dr who,doctor who theme,jodie whittaker title sequence,doctor who title sequence,dave burgess doctor who,cloister productions,

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