
Dangerous Fires All Over Australia

Dangerous Fires All Over Australia Since November 2019 strong fires burning in Australia. These fires have now become worse. 2,000 homes have been destroyed and people are continuously leaving their homes for a safer place to stay.Many small cities have been completely destroyed by the fire. On 31st December, while we were all enjoying our New Years, people in Australia were leaving their homes due to the fires. Thick smoke has settled on the cities of Sydney & Melbourne due to the fires. The quality of air has become very dangerous because of the smoke. The strong fires has changed the colour of the sky to a dark orangey red colour.

The Australian military, navy and fire fighters are working very hard to control the fire. People are being airlifted by the air force and some are being evacuated by sea by the Navy. It started raining a little, but it is not enough to control the strong fires. At Least 24 people have lost their lives because of the fire and the fire has burnt more than 50,000 sq km of land. Ecologists from the University of Sydney believe, over 48 crore birds and animals have lost their lives.More than 8,000 Koala bears have lost their lives due to the fire.Koala bears are only found in Australia and are under danger of extinction. So many Koala deaths has put their survival in danger.

Well this is not a normal fire. It is called a ‘Bushfire’. For a bushfire to start there needs to be fuel, in the form of leaves and/or wood and an ignition or flame point. This can be caused either naturally by a lightning strike, or accidentally by burning a bonfire or throwing a cigarette.Sparks from such a flame start the bushfire and the fire spread quickly due to the wind. Now the situation is that Australia is so bad is because of Global Warming. Due to Global Warming, the temperature in Australia has increased a lot. Right now the temperatures are around 40-50 degrees celsius.The weather was hot and very dry. When the fires started in, there were strong winds which helped it to spread even more. Since the weather is hot and dry, the fire did not stop and continued burning.

Another fact. Eucalyptus is a tree that is found mainly in Australia. There are more than 700 types of Eucalyptus in Australia and it grows everywhere. You all have used Eucalyptus oil when you have a cough or cold. You put it in hot water for steam or on your napkin. Now the Eucalyptus leaves have a lot of oil in it. When it catches on fire and the fire is even stronger this is another reason why the Australian fires are so dangerous.Celebrities and people all over the world have started donating money to help those who lost their lives.

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