
Brooding management in poultry | Placement of chicks and selection of brooding area | Good practices

Brooding management in poultry | Placement of chicks and selection of brooding area | Good practices Brooding is the base of any flock. Providing the artificial heat to the bird is called brooding. Birds can not maintain their own temperature they need external temperature. We provide it through different types of brooders like coal brooder, diesel brooder, gas brooder and wood brooder etc. During brooding birds are developing their different systems like
Thermoregulatory system
Muscular system
Digestive system
Brooding period in broiler life span accounts for about first 14 days of hatching. In this period, broiler birds are changing from their immature thermoregulatory system to the mature one. Points to be considered for brooding chicks include:
Air quality
Water and feed quality

Feathers provide insulation to the bird. If u done good management during the brooding than you can cash the flock. For batter growth and good FCR brooding is the key factor.
We done brooding for 1 week in broiler. Birds need high care during brooding. Mortality is also high in this phase. Mostly high mortality is in two to three days at the farm.
Good management can reduce the mortality during brooding.

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#poultrymanagement #poultryfarm #calculationandformulas

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