

每年过年,肯定是要舂粑粑的,蒸煮炸烤都是年味【滇西小哥】 赶在年前,终于把粑粑舂好了,除了去外婆家拜年要用一些,自己家也要吃不少,蒸熟了吃,烤着吃,炸着吃.......最地道的吃饭也就是煮上一锅杂汤,放上家里最好的食材,火腿,香肠,血肠,鸡蛋,蚕豆,豌豆尖~等等,煮一大锅,吃上一碗满是浓浓的年味~

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Finnaly, we rushed to pounded some baba before the Chinese New Year. Besides from giving them as greetings to my grandma, we also eat them at home. Babas can be steamed, grilled or deep-fried........The most traditional way is to make a pot of soup with the best ingredients we have: ham, sausage, blood sausage, egg, fava beans, pea sprout, etc. Put baba slices into the soup and you will have a whole bowl of great festive feelings.

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滇西小哥,Ms Dianx,Điền Tây Tiểu Ca,雲南,雲南美食,鄉間美食,云南,云南美食,乡间美食,dianxixiaoge,粑粑,舂粑粑,

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