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FIRST: The book “Think And Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.
When it comes to making money, building wealth, and progressing in your career, I truly believe that a large part of that is mental. And this book gives you the EXACT strategies and blueprint to think like someone who makes millions of dollars and achieves whatever they set out to do.
SECOND: A Coffee Maker
The sad reality is that, according to the investment app Acorns, 1/3rd of American spend more on Coffee than on Retirement.
Not to mention, people between the ages of 25-34 spend an average of over $2000 per year on this deliciously amazing drink
For someone who goes and gets a $3 cup of Starbucks coffee every morning…spending $35 on your own coffee maker would pay for itself in LESS THAN 2 WEEKS…and then everything else after that is profit.
THIRD: A crock pot.
All you need to do is throw in some meat and vegetables, and then forget about it until later…then afterwards, you’re going to get a really delicious home made meal, for a fraction of the price of eating out at a restaurant. Even if this doing this just saves you $5 per meal instead of grabbing food on the way home…your total cost of the crockpot PLUS ingredients should end up paying fo itself within less than 2 weeks…then, everything else after that is pure savings.
FOURTH: Rechargeable Batteries
These can be expensive! For a little more, you can get a whole bunch of rechargeable batteries and NEVER have to replace them, ever again.
FIFTH: A Reusable Water Bottle
Just setting yourself up with this ONCE should, ideally, pay for itself relatively quickly if you’re the type who would otherwise buy water bottles, or buy a drink when you’re out.
SIXTH: A reliable, used car
In terms of making and saving money - going with a vehicle that’s already seen the majority of its depreciation can be a great way to cut back on your expenses, and drive a car without losing much money.
This is installed to the front of your car that continuously records footage in the event something happens. Chances are…hopefully…you’ll never need to use it. But, the $50-$100 you spend on this is almost like an insurance IF anything happens, and you need PROOF to back up your claims to an insurance company.
EIGTH: The Stock Market
This is where you can invest in a small ownership of a particular company, or groups of companies…and as their value goes up, so does your profit. In addition to that, many stocks pay what’s called ‘Dividends’ - this is when they pay YOU every quarter for owning their stock, depending on the profits of the company.
NINTH: Real Estate
The way I see it, is that we all need a place to live - and, if your strategic about it…you can find a way for this to pay for itself. One of the ways I do this is by what’s called “House hacking.” This is where you buy a multi-family property with 2 to 4 units, you move into one of the units, and then you rent the others to cover your cost of living. If done correctly, you should be able to break even on the property without coming out of pocket…thereby, “living for free.”
TENTH: Education.
This could be in the form of buying a book, watching countless hours of YouTube like I do, going to an event to network, or buying yourself ANYTHING to improve your skills. All of these have the potential to yield a 100x return on what you spend, in terms of your future earning potential.
For business or one-on-one real estate investing/real estate agent consulting inquiries, you can reach me at