
UMAZE current status on Nov 29th --- It needs to improve stability!

UMAZE current status on Nov 29th  ---  It needs to improve stability! Umaze depends of the Galileo accuracy.

During the hackathon of #GalileoInnovationChallenge, our main focus is to improve the stability of the accuracy. In this video we show you our challenge. The signal suddently "jumps" when one is walking. In a complicated maze this is more evident, and critical, as the width of the hallway is 2 mts. If a player hits a wall, the a marker shows up, so the player has to be in the same spot to erase the marker and continue walking. However when the "hit" is due to the signal "jumping" it is frustrating.

If you want to see this moment of time, look at the video. We recoment to speed the video and click on time stamps below, to see our problem. The time stamps show the problem 1 or 2 seconds before the signal "jumps"

2:35 stability problem
3:23 stability problem
4:35 stability problem
5:33 stability problem
during this period of time, there are challenges, but the "jump" is not as dramatic as in the ones detected with the time stamp.
8:00 stability problem
9:21 stability problem
10:05 stability problem
10:55 it hasn't been able to stabilize the previous jump and now the signal jumps even further away.


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