
The Weird and Wonderful Baobabs of Lekhubu Island, Botswana

The Weird and Wonderful Baobabs of Lekhubu Island, Botswana In the middle of the spectacular white expanse of the Magkadigkadi salt pans lies a small island, whose exact location was long held as a closely-guarded secret amongst a few lucky adventurers. Once inhabited by an ancient civilisation linked to Great Zimbabwe, Lekhubu island (sometimes Kubu) is still a uniquely spiritual and ethereal place. In this episode, Gus, the African Plant Hunter, takes us on an exploratory walk around the island to look at some of the bizarre and extraordinary baobab trees, whose distinctive shape and form are found nowhere else. Along the way he shares a few titbits from his own knowledge, as well as some of his legendary fashion tips on the benefits of recycled clothing.

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baobab,adansonia digitata,Africa,ethnobotany,botany,economic botany,explorer,African plants,African herbs,African medicine,traditional medicine,biodiversity,nature,botswana,kubu island,lekhubu island,

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