
The Dangers of Research & The Medical Establishment (QUESTION EVERYTHING!)

The Dangers of Research & The Medical Establishment (QUESTION EVERYTHING!) Today I go off a bit. The dogma and bias found in the powers at be is not only disturbing, it's scary.

What's most scary about it is the mind control it seems to have over the masses. Our society has become obsessed with "research says" or the title "DR" to the point that most have lost their ability to question and do their own research.

Now more than ever you must question everyone and everything. You must read the fine print. You must not BLINDLY trust the status quo. You should never listen to someone because they say, "this is the Gold standard" or "this is how everyone does it" or "most scientists agree" or some other crap line like this.

This is what the lemmings use. These are the phrases of the intellectually lazy that are more interested in punching in, collecting their check, and punching out.

You must challenge the status quo. Always and forever. Ask questions. Then ask some more. Don't say YES unless you believe it is the best thing to say based on your gut feeling + your own research.

Today's video talks about some of these dangers. Just bringing these to your consciousness, hopefully, will make you a bit less susceptible to the traps set by the majority.

The majority is the mob. The majority is nearly always wrong or lacking. Just look at history.

Founder/CEO, Wild Foods Co and The Ancestral



My name is Colin and I’m on a mission to help 50 million live better through Ancestral health, First Principles Thinking, and attacking the Status Quo.

Learn the WHY behind your health. Regardless of where you are at, your environment is why you have the health you have, for better or worse. Let's get back to REALNESS, back to nature, and get your genes firing the right way instead of the wrong way. That's the Wild Way.

FOR HEALTHY HUMANS: The Ancestral Mind

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PODCAST: The Ancestral Mind Podcast

The Ancestral Mind Podcast is AMAZING. We cover all topics relating to building The Ancestral Mind, including why you should want to and what it is going to do for your life. 


The Wild CEO - I founded a Superfoods company called Wild Foods after packing up my car and driving across the country to Austin, Texas.

I'm here to help you use BIG ideas to make BIG changes in your life. Life is wayyyyy too short to be average, or worse, to not be what you are capable of being.


Wild Foods Co - Specializing in Real Food ingredients from small farmers to support health, performance and longevity.

Get your Real Food Wild ingredients at  use code WILDCEO for 12% off your entire order!

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Wild Fish Oil: 
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Copyright  2019 Colin Stuckert, The Ancestral Mind and Wild Foods

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products and recommendations are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

doctors,research,scientist,question authority,status quo,medical establishment,medical community,big pharma,pharmaceutical,drug company,bad science,bad research,fake sciecne,fake research,doctor fails,doctor errors,

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