
πŸ‘€ QAnon: An Invitation to The Great Awakening -- Co-Author Virtual Book Tour Week: Dustin Nemos

πŸ‘€ QAnon: An Invitation to The Great Awakening -- Co-Author Virtual Book Tour Week: Dustin Nemos Earlier this year I co-authored a bestselling book on the Qanon movement with other respected researchers from WWG1WGA.

*IT triggered the MSM
*It Triggered Alex Jones from
*It Triggered Amazon, which deboosted it removing hundreds of confirmed purchased reviews.
*It helped summarize the Qanon movement into a short RedPill Art of War book that you can share with your friends.
With the Inspector General report released, Barr, the Stealth Bomber - is preparing to deliver his bombshell facts. Durham, Huber, Horowitz, and even Giuliani are each bringing Light to darkness. The need has never been more critical to push back against fake news. The Stakes have never been greater.

I thought about how to put together a book tour or speaking tour to get around the censorship with the Q message... then I decided on something a little different. It's called a Virtual Book Tour... and I'd like to invite You to the Great Awakening.
There has never been a more important time than now Red Pill your Family and Friends... and invite them to The Great Awakening.
That's why we are doing this Virtual Book Tour Now -- To bring even more awareness to the world wide movement to expose corruption.
Go to now and join me for this special event on December 17 at 7pm Eastern.
We're going to kickstart the virtual book tour author interviews with my own interview, conducted by Alex Mandossian.

I don't know if you've met my friend Alex Mandossian. He's a special guy... Among other things, he is a talented interviewer -- So good, in fact... he interviewed the KING of interviewers... Larry King
Whether you love Larry King or hate him... it's a big deal to interview Larry King. And Alex has done it... and I've asked him to interview me for this Virtual Book Tour



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Bestselling Book Attacked by MSM: Qanon: An Invitation to The Great Awakening -

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