Help So whatever lang anyone speaks can still watch our videos !
well now its your Chance Click the link down below and you can help me with my videos with making the subtitles of your language
Become A Royal Panda 👑🐼!!
pregnant at 16 by stepbrotheris AN ANIMATED GACHA VERSE MINI MOVIE TALKS about a a GACHA Ex GirlFriend Who Broke up with her Boyfriend Then WHEN hE STARTED dATING ANOTHER gACHA gIRL sHE wANTED tO rUIN hER lIFE aND dATE HIM bACK and im not gonna spoil the rest.,.... anyways hope you like this short gacha verse / Gacha Life movie cuz it took me 2 weeks to make and if you want to see more gacha verse or gacha studio or gacha sextuplets movies comment and like the video.
#gachaverse #revenge #lovestory
Video Ideas