
Life is too short to settle for less

Life is too short to settle for less Life is too short to settle for less.

It's been a while since my last video. Sadly, my mother died.  But her death brought this sharply home to me: Life is too short!!

Please remember this: Life is too short to settle for anything less than you deserve.

So many of you write to me saying you find it hard to leave an abusive relationship.

You think:

What if he (or she) will change?
What if they're right and no one will love me like they do?
What if they are happier with that new girl or guy and it was me?
What if it's too late for me? 

There is no guarantee of what will happen tomorrow. 

Aren't you tired of being the perfect girlfriend or wife (or boyfriend or husband) but still coming up empty and feeling alone?

Aren't you sick of being a doormat and taken advantage of? 

Do you want to look back in anger, hurt and regret when it IS too late to do anything about it.

Take it from me:

Life is too short to settle for anything less than you deserve ever again.

If you're exhausted trying everything and nothing is working then my latest video is for you.

Don't settle for less!

You might also like to watch this video:
How to break the curse of limiting beliefs and find self-empowerment:

Self-acceptance. How to find happiness within:

Self-worth: why self-esteem and self-love matter:

Life is too short,don't settle for less,

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