
Dralon and the Adventure in the Contrary World by M.C. Willems

Dralon and the Adventure in the Contrary World by M.C. Willems Book Trailer - Dralon and the Adventure in the Contrary World by M.C. Willems
Fantasy book for the family

On Amazon (Italian version):

On Amazon (Dutch version):


Story Plot

The Moffets are a family like many others. They lead a simple and peaceful life in a pretty two-story house in the suburbs of London… that is, until a bizarre postman delivers a mysterious package which thrusts them, unwillingly, into an unknown and fantastic world, a "contrary world", populated by talking sticks and stones, welcoming shoes, custodians of stone, magic lamps and cauldrons, wisecracking soothsayers, and screaming fire-matches with the ability to reveal secret trails.

On this magic and adventurous trip, the leading characters will overcome challenging trials, follow arduous paths and confront dark evil forces.

* * * * * * *

La famiglia Moffet è una famiglia come tante. Conduce una vita semplice e tranquilla in una graziosa casetta a due piani nei sobborghi di Londra… questo, fino a quando non riceve, per mano di uno strano postino, un misterioso pacco che la catapulterà, senza volerlo, in un mondo sconosciuto e fantastico; un "mondo al contrario", popolato da bastoni e ciottoli parlanti, scarpe che danno il benvenuto, custodi di sasso, lampade e calderoni magici, indovini burloni e fiammiferi urlanti in grado di svelare strade segrete.

Un magico e avventuroso viaggio che porterà i protagonisti a superare difficili prove, risolvere enigmi, percorrere impervi sentieri e scontrarsi contro malvagie forze oscure.

I need to mention and thank for the sound, video and photographic material that I used for this book trailer:

Jacques Barrette - ( 2 initial lights effects - Pixabay)
Pixabay ("Beautiful moon rises through night clouds" video)
Christian Bodhi - Pixabay (Big Ben video)
Nathan Cain - Pexels (White English House video)
Piro 4D - Pixabay (Tower bridge - picture)
Lukas Baumert - Pixabay (Oil Lamp picture)
Vimeo Free Videos - Pixabay (Final glitter effect)

Music and Sounds
Main soundtrack – “Magic Adventure Comedy Fantasy” MGAnalog – AudioJungle
Clock sound:
“Clock Chime, Antique, A.wav” by InspectorJ ( on
Radio Noise:
“Radio Band.wav” by Paper Jam – on
Glitter sound:
“Gleam-Glow-Sfx-Chime” by Newagesoup on

Movie shots
“E.T.”: the children
“BIG”: Fortune-teller shot
“Ghostbusters I": Library shot (the ghost lady)", Evil statue (Gargoyle)
“Labyrinth”: Faces sculpted in the stones, Jareth’s clock, head door knocker,
“Trading Places”: The Duke brothers and the butler
“Julie & Julia”: Meryl Streep in the kitchen
“Easy A”: Stanley Tucci at the door
“Ncis Los Angeles”: actress Linda Hunt

Fantasy,Magic,Mystery,Adventure,Comedy,children's book,Harry Potter,J.K. Rowling,Steven Spielberg,Disney,Stranger Things,Lord of the Rings,Wizards,Witches,Ghost stories,M.C. Willems,Mila Torro,Dralon,E.T.,The Goonies,Labyrinth,Trading Places,Ghostbusters,The Neverending Story,The 80's,John Williams,Adobe Premiere Rush,Book trailer,

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