
Day 1 - The Stable: A Christ-Centered Christmas Celebration by LDS Living + Don’t Miss This

Day 1 - The Stable: A Christ-Centered Christmas Celebration by LDS Living + Don’t Miss This To help center this Christmas on the true meaning of the season, we teamed up with Emily Belle Freeman and David Butler—coauthors of Don’t Miss This—to form a video advent calendar. Each daily video will highlight lessons learned from those who came to worship the Savior at His birth. But this isn’t your typical scripture study—we also invite viewers to take part in a Christmas tradition each day and include an action item to keep Christ at the center of the holiday.

Day 1 - The Stable: David and Emily talk about helping our children learn to believe in Jesus as strongly as they believe in Santa Claus, as well as sharing their thoughts on how Mary and Joseph must have felt while trying to find an inn for the night, and what we can learn about making time for the Savior during such a busy holiday.

What you'll need for this lesson: A nativity set with a stable, angels, shepherds, wise men, Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus.

For more information on this video series, click here:

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Brightly Beams:

LDS Living gives expression to what it means to live as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. By sharing practical information and seeking out the best things in Latter-Day Saint culture, we hope to empower our readers to make the most of the joys and challenges of life and enjoy their unique heritage to its fullest. We provide articles that inspire and uplift our readers with endless ideas, featuring articles online and in print on issues real-life Latter-day Saints are dealing with, recipes, self-help, parenting and relationship advice, behind-the-scenes looks, and in-depth coverage of a wide variety of topics important to Latter-day Saints.

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