BBC1's A Berry Royal Christmas, which aired earlier this week, showed kate middleton and William as a tight family unit, with Mary Berry describing them as a 'pigeon couple'. It was sweet, quintessentially British moments like this, as well as Prince William making a 'strong cup of tea' for residents of a homeless shelter and jovially suggesting he dye his blue like one of them, that made the BBC Christmas special such a hit. #katemiddleton #PrinceWilliam #RoyalChristmas
Kate and Willia,Prince William,kate middleton and William,Prince William kate middleton,William kate,kate middleton,kate middleton family,family,Royal Christmas,Royal,kate middleton Royal family,Royal family,Christmas,kate middleton Royal Christmas,British moments,kate middleton moments,moments,Mary Berry,Body language,kate middleton Body language,language,kate middleton Body,Body,like,bright-eyed couple,first date,