
American Elections Crimes and Pretending Other and How

American Elections Crimes and Pretending Other and How This is about how America's congress was used as a breaching tool, and weapon, and worse since founding lack of completion of its liberation, and for the lack of the liberation of all locations, areas, and states, instead, they breaching tools, and screensm, and worse. America's congress is invovled with election crime methods like pretending to be against Putin as a means to pretend they don't realize themselves recorded with all cases already used criminally here, and there, used through "criminal foreign influences" not sourced by one one nation, but fluent through each. Free speech. Hundreds of nations were/are sick together here, and there, and everywhere. To counter this we must have mandated law followed. We've inter-branch predators, and have all associated with their locations already used remote originally, and still. They are recorded also with private news predicate acts methods, and coverups, like discrediting what people say by asking inter-branch soruces, and them valuing databases involved predicate acts, and them used to keep further and furhter all locations, areas, and states collusion, way worse than just lie progressions further to/as this, and by/as worse using it remotely, since before electronic definitions of the word. Pretending to be against Putin; they are recorded elections crime method/s bonded roles here, and there, and as their actually recorded natures. See "criminal insidiousness." #America #American #American_elections


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