

#15 BEWARE OF SELF-INDUCED SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS Listen with me to the ANCIENT VOICES of God's Prophets. When we do, we HEAR GOD SPEAK about how to cultivate DESIRING & FINDING GOD DAILY: that is the essence of the BEST LIFE possible. I just spent a final hour with some of the dearest Asians committed to reaching other Asians, challenging them about life-long devotion. Beware of ANYTHING that diminishes our SIGHT! Salvation Reaches Blind Sinners in Darkness. That is how God saved us.
We were each born sitting in the darkness, heading towards the precipice of sin; but we didn’t even know it because we were blind. That’s how we each were found by Jesus Christ when He saved us. So at the moment of salvation, we are given spiritual sight as a gift from God. The Christmas story gives the clearest picture of how all humans appear in their unsaved state, from God’s perspective.
The Gospel is when Jesus Christ shines into our sin-darkened nightlife with a Sunrise of forgiven Life & saving Light. Luke 1:76-79 (NKJV) “ And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Highest; For you will go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways, 77 To give knowledge of salvation to His people By the remission of their sins, 78 Through the tender mercy of our God, With which the Dayspring from on high has visited us; 79 To give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, To guide our feet into the way of peace.”
When we were saved we were given the gift of spiritual sight. We can hear God's Voice and see Him in His Word, and His Creation. We can feel His Spirit at work within us.
In fact, when Jesus explained salvation to Paul at his conversion, Jesus told Paul that He had “opened” Paul’s eyes. That was the very first element of the miracle of salvation, in a list with seven miraculous elements. (19Isaiah-15)
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